Inner Beauty Strategy – Confidence and Positive Thinking

First of all, why is inner beauty important?

We have all met people in our lives – women (and men for that matter) – who are physically beautiful to look at on the outside. But when you get to know their personality and who they are on the inside, and it's not very pleasant, did not it make you look at that person in a less desirable light?

In fact, that person's outer beauty may have even diminished because you caught a glimpse of what was on the inside.

Or how about the reverse scenario? How many times have you met someone who may not have been a drop-dead gorgeous knockout, but once you got to know them and how beautiful they were on the inside, their outside physical appearance actually seemed to change – they were even more attractive to you than remembered them being upon first meeting them?

When it comes right down to it, no matter how beautiful a person is on the outside, if it were all tragedy beaten away somehow and they did not have their inner beauty taken care of, what would they be left with?

You see, the inner beauty is what makes the outer beauty even more stunning. And in the complete package, this complete beauty turns heads and becomes unforgivable to those they meet.

It would be advisable to focus most of your efforts on inner beauty strategies first. If you have your inner beauty developed, you will always be completely beautiful!

Let's take a look at the first strategy of inner beauty: confidence and positive thinking.

Why is confidence and positive thinking so important when it comes to being a complete beauty?

Self-confidence is arguably one of the most important things you can have. Self-confidence reflects your assessment of your own self-worth. It will play a large part in determining your happiness through life.

Self-confidence allows you to take risks, as you have enough confidence in your own abilities to be sure that if things do go wrong, you can put things right.

The way in which you are self-confident is important: if you are under-confident, then you will not take risks that need to be taken. If you are over-confident, then you can end up not trying hard enough and losing.

Confidence should be based on observed reality. It should be based on the achievement of performance goals: you should be confident that you will perform up to your current abilities.

Good self-confidence comes from a realistic anticipation of success based on well practiced skills, respect for your own competence, and adequate preparation.

The success attained should be measured in terms of achievement of personal performance goals, not achievement goals such as winning.

Where you are under-confident, you will commonly suffer from fear of failure (which will prevent you from taking risks effectively), self-doubt, lack of concentration, and negative thinking.

Often you may find yourself blaming yourself for faults that lie elsewhere. Here you should use suggestion, visualization, and effective goal-setting to improve your self-confidence and self-image.

Over-confidence is dangerous – it can lead you into situations which you do not have the ability to get out of. It can set you up for serious failure that can devastate the self-confidence you should have.

Over-confidence is confidence that is not based on ability: it may be a result of misleading or pushy parents or others trying to help you without understanding your abilities, may be caused by vanity or ego, or may be caused by positive thinking or imagery which is not backed up by ability.

Goal setting is probably the most effective way of building self-confidence. By setting measurable goals, achieving them, setting new goals, achieving them, and so on you prove your ability to yourself.

You are able to prove to yourself that you are able to perform and achieve effectively. You can see and recognize and enjoy your achievement, and feel real self-worth in that achievement.

Importantly, by knowing what you are able to achieve, you are not setting yourself up for surprise failure – you almost always have a reasonably accurate assessment of what your abilities really are, which is unclouded by ego or vanity.

Imagery is also useful in building self-confidence, but only if properly applied.

Imagery should be used to imagine achievement of a goal that is being worked towards in order to help you to believe that that goal is attainable.

Imagery can help you "draw a picture" in your mind's eye of becoming a more beautiful you!

For complete beauty, start with your inner beauty first.