Marketing Fitness Boot Camps With You Tube

There are many people in the fitness industry who believe one-on-one personal training is on its last legs. Small group training and fitness boot camps are not only gaining popularity, they are proving to be much more than a fad. And since it's impossible to ignore the trend and more and more fitness professionals are creating their own fitness boot camps, as a result competition for "campers" is becoming fierce.

It goes without saying that a website is a marketing requirement for any entrepreneurial personal trainer. But that's just the beginning. With video hosting sites such as You Tube making it incredibly easy to do so, every fitness professional should be taking advantage of online video to make their marketing efforts that much stronger. Video is, in fact, the future of online marketing. The following tips in this article will point out several simple ways to take advantage of video technology to give your fitness boot camp a serious competitive edge over your competition.

1) Video testimonials

Nothing beats social proof. It's true that written testimonials are terrific, especially when accompanied by a picture, but oftentimes people are still skeptical if they are authentic or not.

You can not say that about a video testimonial. Video taping your successful boot campers talking about what a terrific camp you host is exponentially more powerful than a written testimonial. And whenever possible, video tape the campers before and after. Meaning, video tape them before they start the camp and after they've gone through it. That makes an even more compelling marketing message.

2) Exercise demonstrations

Prospect campers are going to be skeptical and curious no matter what. Many have no idea what they're in for. " Video taping exercise demonstrations and actual portions of your camp to put on your website gives prospects more than just an idea of ​​what to expect. And not only will this increase attendance, it will also eliminate people from signing up who just are not willing to work hard enough to get results.

3) Introduce yourself and other instruors

Anyone looking for information on a boot camp is going to want to know more about who will be coaching them. What better way to introduce yourself than by a video? It's much more personal than a written bio or resume. It allows you to let your enthusiasm personality shine through and immediately bonds you with your prospect.

4) The Video Metamorphosis

Along the lines of the "Before and After" testimonial model, you can pick specific participants from your camp to follow on a regular basis. You would video interview each participant before week of the camp. They can share their story about how they are feeling, why they joined, how much more energy they have, the weight they have lost, etc.

Imagine how powerful a marketing tool that is. It instantly relays to the skeptical prospect exactly what they can expect their experience to be like. And assuming you run a great fitness boot camp they will not be able to wait to get started!

5) Emphasize the fun and camaraderie

It's becoming more and more well-known that social support is an essential component of any successful weight loss program. When you add that to the fact people love to have fun and feel a part of something it's very important to make your camp a very supportive social atmosphere.

Any with video you can do more than talk about it on your website. You can show it! SO video tape your campers having a great time. Show your prospects the team work and the "hootin 'and hollerin'"! Show them the good times – and hard work – that awaits them when you join.

6) The media loves video

Lastly, it's very important to understand that the media loves to cover boot camps because of all the great visuals. When you approach a member of the media about covering yours it's going to be a lot easier to get them to come when they see all the great videos on your site!