21st Century Global Financial System of Market Economy

In the 21st Century currently existing Global Financial System lead by US and other Most Developed Nations (incl. China) and managed by the Parish Club, WTO, IMF and the World Bank must change their approaches to appreciate the most recent developments of chronically becoming indebted World, in which except for a very few countries and market as China and India, most of the rest Most Developed Economies as US and GB, Developing Countries as Spain, Portugal and Greece, and Undeveloped Countries as Bulgaria, Rumania and many South American Countries , Asian and African Countries are greatly indebted or very underdeveloped. A Central Banking System is needed to control the global "demand-to-supply" balance by being able to issue capital, instead of the current global financial system which performs more as a "lender".

There have been many indications that the process of running fiscal shortages for many countries can not be reversed by using current Economics of Production based "trickle-down" Capitalism, because the Production based Economics is generally founded on industrial production that adds the highest percentage to any country GDP (General Domestic Product) and the consequential fiscal reserves for a country or a market to develop most definately such country following the economics of production must industrialize, or for an industrialized country such must keep being globally competitive in industrial production to maintain intact its deficiency. The Globalization of the market place propelled by the great Capitalization and the Rising Productivity have boosted the economies of China and now India to industrialize rapidly, that industrial power added very much to the current industrialized economies of Japan, Germany, US capacity by how the Global industrial production capacity overall is coming to a point of great concentration of such industrial production into a very few industrialized economies. The possibilities for other small or even big countries to become competitive in industrial production and maintain their fiscal policies and reserves in tact are diminishing.

From the Most Industrialized Economies US is particularly vulnerable under these new Global developments of ungoing exodus of industrial production and capital investment to the Far East. The Capitalism of US Economics is very inept in distributing and redistributing Wealth so to speak the "demand" side of Capitalism correlates the "supply" and works well in a close marketplace in size of US market when "trickle-down" capital first "trickle -up "to concentrate wealth then comes" down "to create industrial production, but than when" trickle-down "does not go to the US market but to elsewhere the shortage of consumption can not be avoided, following in not properly balancing" demand -to-supply ", thus, to avoid economic catastrophes US Government steps up with infusing capital into the system: exactly what happened at the last Great Recession of 2007-2009.

Also in time of narrowing ROI (Return Of Investment) particularly for SME (Small & Medium Enterprises) and from the SMI (Small & Medium Investors), in time of Governmental policies promoting and tolerating pro Big Business and Big Investors deregulated "trickle- down "Capitalism which was mostly the only ones benefitting from the ongoing globalization, the possibilities in such times for occurrences of Economic Bubbles are quite common. The 1999 Stock Exchange Bubble and the 2007 Great Recession are products of designated lack of Wealth Distribution. Thus become obvious that the Government in situations like that step into actions by infusing capital, save even individual businesses and prompt social distribution: The Healthcare Reform, the Finance Reform, and the US SME Tax Reform are good examples how the system in distress works, although the consequences are up to be seen. It is hard to believe that the US Government could consistently manage the economy and create business. In the Next Recession the Government will appropriate more function in financing and business that overall is a scary preposition having in mind how inflexible and inept a Government could be.

Environmental pollution and Earth extraction of resources under the current production economics based on industrial production mainly is unavoidable, because when even most developed industrial nations could introduce and follow policies of protecting the environment, or even the developing nations of China and India follow up which is highly doubtful, there are many countries that will try to manage their fiscal shortages by compromising the rules for Environmental protection so that they can bring to their soil industrial production. In the World of ROI mostly from Industrial Production the prices of Environmental protection technologies are making businesses very competitive to others that do not implement these. Pollution also comes from cutting and burning woods to farm or from heating with coal, or from driving old autos, or from dispose sewers into open rivers. So to speak, without curbing on the Global poverty can not be ways to curbing on pollution. But to curb on poverty industrialization can not be used so the possibilities for saving the World from Environmental disaster by using industrial production are very unlike.

To avoid multiple economic crashes and upheaval, to avoid the Government take over when next recessions, to avoid fiscal shortcomings and deficit, unemployment and poverty, to avoid environmental destruction a new system of economies is needed, one that will allow countries to develop without being industrialized.

Is it possible to manage global development without using current production based economics system?

  • Well the most recent US and any Governments' infusion of monetary quantities, business involvement and social distribution of wealth is not based on production economics.
  • The Chinese approaches in handling Economy is not production based only economics: their interference in the ways "trickle-down" capital works in the marketplace does not follow Capitalism but is more-like "artificial" flexible usage of economic "tools'.
  • The Greece bailout by the EU and IMF is not "trickle-down" economics; it is an interference with the powers of the Capitalism.
  • There are many more examples of how Governments and organization interfere with freely flowing capital and there before using "artificial" methods of economics.

At the moment he mounting debt accumulated by almost any country in the World horrific economists and they predict imminent bust-and-doom (there was a suggestion by some German politicians to Greece to sell some Greek islands, but then funds has been approved help Greece ). Although economists should be horrified only from high imbalance of "demand-to-supply" ratios, which imbalance provokes inflations and deflations; that should be the largest concern to the Global Financial Institutions instead these are fighting defit and debt: these institution as mentioned above are acting more-like a "lender" then a "controller" these should be. If the Global marketplace is seen in its vastness as a common marketplace a mass industrialization should not be expected and can not be achieved therefore. Thus, for balancing "demand-to-supply" ratios, the Monetary Policies should be used instead industrializing the entire Earth. Comprehensive Monetary Policies by Global Financial Institutions flexibly using Monetary Quantities as Economic "tools" and Business and Financial Regulations as enhancing business "security" are "the way to Rome" only.

Less governmental involvement in business, more business laws and regulations on business contracting, business and project bonding, intellectual properties' laws, risk management personal liability laws, and etc, these the supplements to an appropriate Monetary Policies: because these "regulatory" actions will strengthen SME and SMI "security" and make these much more adequate to be funded.

Low interest rate financing and subsidies are economic "tools" to be used by a Global Financial System in promoting environmentally friendly renewable energies and agriculture, environmental tourism and sustainable growth. This new financial system must use commercial banks to invest in countries on project by project basis on set matrix and low margin.


© Joshua Konov, 2010