How to Write a Dirty Letter – An Easy Guide

If you want to know how to write a dirty letter then this guide is for you. The entire thought of putting naughty words on paper may be a little intimidating but it does not have to be. In fact, writing a dirty letter may be one of the most fun ideas to surprise your lover. Just imagine how turned on your partner will be when they read the erotic letter that you composed. A dirty letter can really spice things up.

So here are some great tips to make writing a naughty letter easier.

First, before you write the letter have a frank and honest discussion with your partner about what words are OK to use. You do not need to tell them that you plan on writing a dirty letter, but you do want to avoid using any words that can make your lover uncomfortable. You never what words your partner may find too risqué, so having this talk beforehand can prevent any awkward moments.

The second thing is to write in a style that is your own. You want the words to sound natural, not forced. Take your time when choosing what to say. Relax and let your inner "bad boy" or "bad girl" come out. Do not let yourself be inhibited. When putting your pen to paper, let the words flow.

Third, have fun! This whole idea of ​​writing a naughty letter is supposed to be exciting and adventurous, so have fun with it. Take a positive attitude towards writing the letter and your partner will notice. Compliments are always welcome when writing the letter. Complimenting your lover is an easy way to fill the pages of your dirty letter. Who does not enjoy a good compliment?

If you follow these easy tips when composing your letter, you should find it is not as difficult as you may have thought. These tips should help you with how to write that letter!