Lotus Car Show & Vehicle History

Lotus is a British sports car made in Norfolk. The company was formed by Colin Chapman in 1952. The company had instant success both on the racing tracks and as a sports sedan. However, like all car companies in the 70s, Lotus also went through financial difficulties and had many new owners.

When Colin Chapman died in 1982, the car had already established itself as a premier car on the road racing circuit. In l986, the company was sold to GM and then went through several more ownerships.

Lotus also made a name by providing engineering design consultancy to other car companies like Opal, Saab and Saturn. Lotus engineering has also helped produce the Cortina, Vauxhall, Dodge spirit, Tesla Roadster, Toyota supra and Europa.

Lotus archived its greatest success on the Formula one circuit giving challenge to Ferrari for the Formula one championship for the past 30 years.

Today, the Elise has been introduced to the North American market. Sleek, with a Toyota engine it is a classy sports car. Other models in the US include the Exige which still needs to make a name.

Today Lotus has incorporated the Aluminum Performance Crossover for its new mid sized cars. These high powered, front mounted V6 engines have been available for some time in the USA.

In 2007, Lotus decided to make some new models of cars in the USA. The models to be developed in the USA include the Excel and the Spirit. For the future, Lotus engineering has dedicated itself to developing a new generation of hybrid and electric vehicles. While there is a lot of buzz about going green, current global downturn has put all plans on the shelf.