Holiday Knitting Jobs

How many times have you gone through all of the effort and expense to knit something as a gift for someone only to have it end up in some dark, moth-ridden corner of their closet? How many times have you knitted that "perfect hand-knitted Christmas sweater" only to wonder why it is not really appreciated? We have all been there at one time or another. Granted, it does not happen all the time but it does happen. This holiday season, why not knit some things that, even if they will only be used on the holidays, will always be treasured and cared for?

I remember when I was a kid; one of the best Christmas experiences that I ever had was after spending weeks wondering when my stockings would be hung by the chimney with care. There were countless jokes at the expense of the children there. Granted, they were good-hearted and not malicious in any way but it did make us kids wonder just what was going on. Imagine our surprise when we woke up Christmas morning to see the knitting job that had been done for us … and created gifts that even as children we knew to take care of and could fully appreciate.

There hung over the fireplace were some of the most beautiful hand-knitted Christmas Stockings that we kids had ever seen. We kept those hand-knitted Christmas Stockings for years to come and had they not ever worn out from being over-stuffed during the holiday seasons, we would still have them today. Some knitting jobs for the holidays really will always be appreciated and while they may end up being stored in the closet, they will never be discarded and forgotten there.

If you are looking for a knitting job to keep your memories (and your knitting work) alive through the ages, holiday decorations are another area that many people never really consider. No matter what your personal beliefs are, there are holiday occasions that you are very likely to celebrate. Why not concentrate on knitting holiday decorations that will be not only beautiful reminders of that particular holiday but also a reminder of the knitting job that you performed with such love for so many people to enjoy?

Remember those silly paper "chains" that you used to make in school to decorate during the holidays? Hand-knitted chains like these are fairly easy to make once you master the "linking" process and will last for years. Your knitting work may actually be brought out on more than just a single occasion when you do it this way. Tassels, chains and other ornamental hangings are usually much more beautiful and much more durable than a little colored paper and glue.

Rather than spend all the time up to the holiday season working on knitting projects that will be lost and soon forgotten, why not try working on a knitting job or two that is going to be not only appreciated, but very kindly handed down from generation to generation? The possibilities are endless!