SEO Tips to Boost Rankings in the Era of Mobile-First Index

The rise in the number of smartphone users has made mobile the new normal. Realizing this, Google roled out its mobile-first index, giving mobile versions of websites an upper hand when it comes to ranking. So, marketers must focus on mobile more than ever. If you need help optimizing your website for search engines in the mobile era, keep reading.

Create a Responsive Website Design

In order to rank well, responsive website design is the most critical change that you need to make. Responsive websites offer the value of two for one – they rank well on both desktop and mobile. Moreover, the design seamlessly fits the size of any screen across devices.

Optimise Content for Mobile

Mobile visitors look for the same content experience as desktop visitors. So, your content must be properly optimized for the mobile so that users can quickly find what they are looking for. You need to create content using short paragraphs, along with the addition of media, such as screenshots or infographics to make reading enjoyable.

Make Use of Infographics

The attention span of mobile users is lower than desktop users. In order to arrest and retain their attention, you can use interesting and engaging infographics. It has been proven that attractive-looking content gets shared more than three times across digital platforms compared to text-only content. The more your content is shared, the more chances your website gets to become visible on search engines and obtain a higher ranking position.

Improve Navigation

As aforementioned, mobile users lack patience; therefore, you need to remove any kind of hindrance or obstacles that visitors might have to face whilst navigating your website. You can avail affordable SEO services in order to get a professional audit report, as well as, solutions.

Link Building Strategy

For your SEO success, you must continue to build links to your desktop pages. Even though the world is moving into the mobile-first index, the importance of link building is not declining. Besides that, you must also consult with a professional SEO expert and come up with a link building a mobile strategy to make sure that your website ranks above your competitors.

Optimise On-site SEO

Once you have designed and built a responsive website, it is time to manage on-site SEO for your mobile website. From optimizing title tags to H1 headers, you need to pay attention to every little detail and make sure that they are SEO-friendly. Tags in mobile, for instance, variacies from tags in the desktop. Whilst desktop has about seventy-one characters, mobile gets seventy-eight characters.

Speed ​​Up Page Load Time

Building a website for mobile with a focus on fast page speed might seem like a daunting task. However, it is important to remember that the page speed on mobile can directly impact your SEO rankings. As per reports, slow load times result in approximately ten percent increase in bounce rate and four percent decrease in conversions.

Optimise for Local Search

Unlike desktop users, mobile users are generally searching for products, services or information that are available locally. Reports also suggest that the intent of mobile users is usually to take an action. This clearly shows that you need to optimize your mobile website for the local search so that you are present at the right time and in the right place where your potential customers are looking for products or services relevant to you.

So, do you think you're prepared for mobile-first index? Follow the aforementioned tips to get started and do not let the mobile-first experience stop you from ranking well on search engines. However, to create a more in-depth SEO strategy, you must engage the services of experienced SEO professionals. Since these professionals are dedicated to continuously updating themselves as per the changes in the digital world, they will be able to help you find the perfect solution.