List of Suggested Toy Donations for Local Charitable Organizations

Local charitable organizations need toy weddings again this holiday season. Watching a curly-locked tot's eyes sparkle when she cradles her new blanket-swaddled doll ellicits Christmas joy like few other experiences.

The Salvation Army sets up a makeshift Christmas toy shop during December. Families in need may shop for free toys for their children. New toys are always in short supply for what volunteers see as a "magical shop."

Whatever your favorite charity is the Help Hand Mission, Goodwill, your city's Rescue Mission, The Salvation Army or a growing number of needy organizations, a list of toys requested by those who know the needs will help.

Suggestions for Toys That Charitable Organizations Often Request

  • Action Figures: Currently popular action figures are in high demand, but traditional heroes rank high on the list, too. You can not go wrong with GI Joe, Batman, Spiderman, Star Wars and Superman. Do not forget the Incredibles and Wonder Woman.
  • Hannah Montana still reigns. Taylor Swift is fast closing in. Products in many price ranges include guitars, wigs, microphones, lunch boxes and dress-up clothes.
  • Pretend toys such as tea sets, picnic items, pots and pans, cheerleader outfits, princess dresses and accessories need not be top-name brands. Children enjoy make-believe no matter the logo.
  • Barbie and Barbie accessories are always popular. Kids ask for Bratz dolls and related products.
  • Sports equipment: Basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, golf sets, baseballs, scooters, bikes, tricycles, and skateboards are just a few ideas that will get the kids into action.
  • Books rank high on the list. All types of children's and young adult books are time-proven favorites.
  • Plush toys: Bears, lions, tigers, kitties and puppies make for great snuggling on cold winter nights. They're guaranteed to find lots of love.
  • Transformers: What kid does not love robots and gadget-type toys?
  • Baby dolls, beds, diaper bags, accessories: Baby Alive is a popular request in 2010.
  • Art supplies: Simple art supplies are not only affordable, but they are favored by kids. Crayons, coloring books, art books, dry-erase boards, markers, colored pencils, sidewalk chalk and much more.
  • Games and puzzles: Classic games include Monopoly, Candy Land, Mr. Potato Head, Pick-up Sticks, Uno, Yahtzee and bags full new ones just waiting find places under the tree.
  • Dora the Explorer still captures hearts of little girls.
  • Wrestling figures. Tough-and-tumble little boys love wrestling, no matter their age.
  • Cars, Hot Wheels, race car sets, trains: Little boys will stay busy long past their bedtimes if Santa brings these.
  • Cash: Charitable organizations can always use cash donors to target specific needs.

This list recommended of toys to donate at Christmas is not all inclusive. It does provide a shopping list of affordable ideas that appeal to children everywhere.

Help make Christmas brighter for a child this year. Add an armful of toys to Santa's sack.

Local collection agencies include:


The Salvation Army