How to Stop Computer Freeze Up and Crashes? Use These Simple Tips to Stop Computer Freezes/Crashes

How to Stop Computer Freezes and Crashes?

Computer freezes are one of the most frustrating experience. I have gone through it number of times. Every time it happened I would lose my work and had to restart the PC and do every thing again. So I learned that I should save my work continuously so that I can start working from where I left.

When my computer started freezing up far too many times I used to take it to a PC technician, who used to take days to fix the problem. Often I would be told to change a component in my PC like my RAM, and even motherboard. This was costing me money in addition to paying the technician. The most frustrating part was that I had to buy a second computer because of the number of days that the technician took to fix my computer and give it back.

When ever I went to the repair shop and I spent some time trying to learn how the technicians fix computer freezes and crashes and other simple problems like Windows error messages. I tumbled upon some great tips watching them do it. Later when I setup my PC workshop, I have given these tips for many years, to many of my friends who were having computer freezes and crashes.

Here are the Tips to Stop Computer Freezes.

Most people today know that the nerve center of Windows operating system is its registry. The first step certainly is to repair errors in the Windows registry. There are many registry cleaners available in the market. But registry cleaner alone is not enough to stop computer freezes and crashes.

Your hard disk needs to be optimized to give the minimum data access times. A fast computer with a huge hard disk full of data is going to slow down you PC or Laptop and also keep crashing or freezing because CPU fails to locate the files on your hard disk. So remove all unwanted files and software which you don’t use to reduce the work load on your PC.

After you have removed unwanted and junk files, software etc you need to de-fragment your hard disk. This is because Windows stores files in pieces on your hard disk where ever it finds some space. De-fragmentation will join the broken pieces of the files into one single piece thus reducing CPU load and thus optimizing the data access times.

Remember to defragment hard disk only after you have deleted all files in the Windows temp folders and application data temp files. There may be many GB of space occupied by junk files.

Use MSCONFIG at Run.. command to stop programs starting up with Windows booting up. This can give you a fast startup and Computer freezes that were being triggered by these applications can be avoided.

Hardware malfunctions could also lead to computer freezes and crashes. So just open the CPU using a screw driver and then remove and re insert every connection, both power and data cable connections firmly into the slots to prevent any loose contacts.

Also pull out all your cards and re insert them after you did the cable re insertion in that sequence.

Don’t forget to clean the contact points of all cards and RAM or memory module till they shine golden. Use a rubber eraser to clean the contacts off the carbon deposits. This is one very important step as I have come across many people having frequent computer freezes and crashes purely because the RAM module contacts were dirty. Just by cleaning it the computer freeze problem is solved.