Dogs Separation Anxiety – Capitalize On the Situation Before It Worsens!

Dogs Separation Anxiety is the most common type of anxiety syndrome found. It usually occurs when the owner returns to work after a long break like a vacation, a maternity leaving or even out when children return to school. To be precise, it occurs when the owner returns to work or occurs back from work. As social animals, dogs are expected to have a natural bond with their owners and so are more prone to separation anxiety. One can say that anxiety syndrome is the fear of dogs getting separated from his owner. Dog, when becomes overly bonded with his owner, starts behaving in a different manner that is by far-off not normal.

Dog separation anxiety is a cause of concern for the dogs who are suffering from this category of disorder. They begin behaving in contradiction manner when he sense that his owner is coming back or leaving for work. Dogs suffering from these kinds of anxiety attacks begins behaving in a contrast way than normal like crying, whining, barking and sometimes spinning in circles in front of their owners. They cry, whine and bark at appropriate times of the day, leaving their owner dazed and confused.

Separation anxiety is a dreadful situation of caution, as it can leaving each the owner and the dogs under a mental imbalance. One should get a way to treat it at the earliest; not doing so will unleash your dogs to several health ailments including mental imbalances. The first step is to see that whether or not your dog (s) are suffering from this ailment, this you can do by noticing down the behavioral changes. You should first find whether or not your dogs presents symptoms, some of the things to note are:

  • Does your dog (s) bark, cry and whine atappropriate times or without any justification?
  • Does your dog (s) tend to tear off things and eat up your furniture when you are away?
  • Does your dog (s) spin in circles often sensing your departure?

If the answers to all the above questions are yes, then you will unfortunately need a few handbook and remedies to help you and your dog (s). Few of the ways to get rid of this problem are:

  • One of the effective ways to overcome dogs separation anxiety involves training viz. crate training and obedience training.
  • Owners can as well try out and lay their dogs through hundreds of exercises, work outs love walking, running, and frisbee and ball returning exercises, this will definitely tire the dogs and a tired dogs can easily accept separation.
  • Separation anxiety is caused as of reduced confidence in dogs, therefore dogs have to be given the lost self-assurance back. Owners can play the games with their dogs where their dogs win. This will make the dogs obedient and also boosts up their self-assurance.
  • A usual break of couple of minutes alone will as well assist the dogs being alone and thus aids a dog to overcome separation anxiety. Allow the dogs to be alone everyday for a couple of minutes and slowly step-up the time gap.