How to Brush a Cat Correctly

Brushing a cat is important for health and condition of the coat. Therefore, it is a good idea for all cat owners to learn when to begin brushing a cat, which brushes are best and the right methods to use.

Unlike dogs, bathing is not usually a priority for a cat's coat condition. Cat owners may breathe a sigh of relief, but to make up for the lack of baths, it is important to brush your cat's fur regularly. Of course, almost all cats clean their own coats and most do a very good job of it, but regular brushing achieves a number of things, including increased circulation, reduced skin flaking, reduction in hairballs, less matting of the fur and generally increased coat condition.

When to Start Brushing a Cat

Ideally, it is good to start brushing you kittens from an early age. Like any other animal, a cat will find grooming more acceptable if he or she, has experienced it from an early age. Of course, it is a good idea to begin gently and for brief periods. You may choose to only spend one or two minutes on brushing sessions to start with. It may be helpful to speak quietly and soothingly to the kitten while you brush. Once your cat is accredited to the brushing you may like to gradually increase the time. Often cats come to look forward to their brushing sessions.

The Right Tools for The Job

You will need at least one good cat brush, owning two is advisable. Which type of brush you need will depend on the type of cat you share your home with. Usually, a shorthaired cat will require a soft-bristled brush. Longhaired breeds, on the other hand, will need a brush with pins or wire bristles, as it is important to eradicate any matting in the long fur.

As for a second brush, you may choose to purchase a slicker, which is a flat brush with lots of very fine bristles. Not only will this help to remove dried skin and loose hairs, but it will also leave the fur beautifully smooth and shiny.

How to brush

Obviously, an owner should be thorough while brushing, but it is important to be gentle. If your cat is uncomfortable during its grooming session, it will not be too keen on coming back for more.

1. Firstly, brush against the hair growth, as this action will help to remove dead and flaky skin.

2. Then brush in the opposite direction (with the hair growth).

3. If you come across knots and mats, try to pick them at a time with a small comb (with some longhaired breeds it may be necessary to perform this step first).

4. When completed, wipe the cat's coat with a dry cloth or towel to remove all loose hairs.

5. If at any point you cat becomes distracted, stop grooming and continue when he, or she, has had a chance to calm down.

6. Stroking and talking to your cat while grooming can help to soothe any anxiety.

7. Of course, after you have finished grooming your cat, it is advisable to wash all combs and brushes thoroughly.

Keep Your Eyes Peeled

Brushing your cat is an excellent opportunity to examine him, or her, for any skin irritations or parasites. Moreover, worrying signs, such as sores and lumps, can be identified quickly if you are grooming your cat daily. Obviously, in the event of discovering any concern signs, it is wise to seek the immediate assistance of a vet.

Grooming your cat can be a very simple process, which is not only good for the health of your cat's coat, but it can also be beneficial to his or her, overall well-being. Moreover, it gives you an opportunity to bond with your pet.