Cat Health Advice

The best cat health advice will include knowing when something is wrong with your cat. Early signs of illness may include lack of energy, reduction in appetite and bathroom habits going bad. If you know your cat well enough, you’ll know when something is not quite right.

Some good cat health advice is to keep an eye on the weight. This is an important part of caring for your cat. You really don’t need technical equipment to weigh your cat and your bathroom scales will be OK. If your cat won’t go onto the scales, pick him up and weigh yourself with kitty and take a note of the weight. Then weigh yourself without the cat and calculate the difference. The difference will be the weight of the cat. Any major change in weight and shape of your cat should be noted as this may indicate something is not right with the health of your cat.

A lot of cat illnesses will cause the cat owner to seek medication and other solutions to get them back on an even keel. Your vet may need to be contacted if your cat has a bacterial, viral or fungus infection. Your vet will also advise you on other abnormalities such as parasites and metabolic diseases. Issues like these can cause weight loss in your cat.

Your vet will be able to give you good cat health advice. Some people attempt to administer their own medication to the cat. On occasions, dog owners may be advised to give their hound half an aspirin but this should never be attempted with a cat. It may take more time and money to consult your vet but for the sake of the cats’ health, this is not a step you should overlook lightly.

Some more cat health advice will also take in the factors of keeping your cat groomed at regular intervals, correct food and a clean sleeping area and litter tray. Cats also need regular exercise to maintain their weight and muscles. Yearly vaccinations are a must, regardless of whether your cat comes into contact with other felines or not. Barring any accidents, your cats’ life will be extended by following good cat health advice.

Teeth, skin and ears must be checked regular on your cat. If any irritations develop, your vet must be informed. As with humans, cats’ teeth can be looked after with specialists cleaning products. You should also keep your cats ears clean and clear from parasites. Prevention of fleas with use of a flea collar and regular grooming is also a must as fleas can lead to more complications in your cat, yourself and your home. Look out for your cat scratching and licking itself excessively as this may indicate skin irritation.

Following this cat health advice and taking care of your cat becomes easier the more you do it. When done on a daily basis, the quality of your cats’ life will improve.