Bipolar Disorder Safety Plan – Manic Episodes

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by extreme mood swings. It is inevitable that you or your loved one will go into a manic episode at some time; therefore you must have a plan in place.

Here is an example of a manic episode safety plan that you can place on your refrigerator or other place where it can be easily seen:

Bipolar Manic Episode Safety Plan

• STAY SAFE (even you have to) -stay in your safety zone. If you are at home, you can not go on a spending spree!

• Do not be alone if at all possible (be around someone who is aware of the manic symptoms of bipolar disorder and can help you control them).

• Be accountable to someone – such as your supporter – who will know you are in an episode, will make sure you take your medication, and will sit and listen to you, especially since one of the biggest symptoms of a manic episode is that you will talk so much!

• If you can not find someone to talk to, there are chat rooms on the Internet where others experiencing bipolar manic episodes will understand how you are feeling.

• Make sure you take your medication and on schedule, and that you keep appointments with your doctor, psychiatrist and therapist.

• Do not make any major decisions or even any minor ones (if you can help it).

• Control your spending! The best way to do this is to have your supporter hold the charge cards and to be in control of the checking account.

• You may not be sleeping very much, but this is one of the symptoms of a bipolar manic episode. There are things you can do about this – talk to your psychiatrist, therapist, or doctor about it. It may be just a temporary problem because of the mania, and you may be able to get a temporary medication to help you get some sleep.

• Take care of your personal needs (grooming, eating, exercising, sleeping, etc.).

• HALT (never get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired).

• Although this may be difficult when you are feeling manic, try to do what you would normally enjoy (read, watch television / movies, go to your Support Group, etc.)

• Do what you can to slow yourself down (take a bath, read, listen to soothing music, walk, garden, do yoga, meditate, journal, etc.).

• Remember the deceptive nature of your thoughts and feelings during a manic episode and that they will tend to be higher than normal in nature.

• Do not follow through with any grandiose plans that you will tend to have during a manic episode, especially those that you feel come from "special insight" you have gotten during your mania.

• Do not take action on any impulsive thoughts you may have towards risk-taking behaviors.

• Keep in mind that this is only a temporary situation, and do not do anything that has permanent consequences.

• Tell yourself that "This too Shall pass," "I've been here before and have gotten through it," and any other positive thoughts you can use to replace your negative thoughts.

• You may have paranoid thoughts that others are out to "get" you. These are not real, and are only the result of your bipolar manic episode.


