Woolen Products Can Be Protected From Shrinking

We are right in the middle of the winter season. Everywhere it's snowy and cold. People remain bound to their homes or offices wearing their favorite sweater and other woolen accessories to stay warm through out the day. Some prefer bonfire which is kindled in their garden or even in the confines of the living room. As this is also the season given to various flues. So its natural for the people to remain protective for every one these days are aware of the famous saying 'Prevention is better than cure'.
Yes indeed people try to protect themselves from any harsh environmental conditions.

One thing that is often seen is that we will go any more to protect our body but go harsh on their branded sweaters. Most often just as other clothes we tend to dip the woolen product in warm waters only to find them sans the original size. Now this is a matter of worry if we have paid some good bucks to get that woolen fabric.

Well I can say that this is not the case anymore. More and more companies are producing enzymes that can help your favorite sweater to remain in its original size even after multiple washes. Now let me give a short scientific explanation for this process. Wool fibers are composed of keratin proteins bundled into micro fibrils. The fibrils are wrapped in a natural scaly cuticle. When wool is washed, the scales interlock, preventing the fibers from moving freely. This interlocking prevails the fabric from retaining its original size.

There are some products that are also like the above enzymes to help you in keeping the woolen product in its actual size. But be careful in buying these products since they may contain excess chlorine which can actually kill your fabric's sheen and reduce its life. Many products are available in the market today to help you retain the size of the sweater. I do not want to personally recommend any at this point of time as still the researchers are in good process. So enjoy your winter and wear your favorite woolen fabrics and accessories without losing its original size.