Pinterest And Automotive Industry

Pinterest is a rapidly growing social network founded in 2009 by Ben Silbermann. In December 2011 it hit the top 10 largest social network services with over 11 million visitors weekly. One month later, in January 2012 Pinterest had more visitors than YouTube and Google+. In March the same year, Pinterest became third most popular social network after Facebook and Twitter. In February 2013 it already had 48.7 million unique users worldwide, which means that it grows at 400 percent in just one year.

Before August 2012, Pinterest was not user-friendly as it is today, because a registration was not so simple. For user to register, an invitation was required. So if you do not have a friend who is already a registered member, you need to send a request to the administrator, which would later be approved, and you would get the invitation from the admin. Now it's not so complicated, you just need to type in your basic info and you're a registered member.

Pinterest and Automotive Industry is a social network based on pictures and videos you '' pin '' on your pinboard. You create Pinboards based on the content you want to post, and in that way way you connect with users with the same interests. It's simple, user friendly and interesting. The dashboard is vivid and full of content, but not unnecessarily cluttered.

That makes Pinterest ideal for promoting products and services to the audience with right interests. But brand owners are not using Pinterest for this purpose as they should.

Automotive is a word which represents any form of self-powered vehicle. Automotive industry covers companies and organizations involved through the design, and selling motor vehicles.

The Automotive industry began in the 1890, and for many decades the United States led the world in automobile production. In 2009 China produced more twice the number of cars made by the USA in second place. As do most industries, and automotive industry had many rises and falls. For example, car production in 2009 was 12 percent less than it was in 2008. But in 2010 it grew by 26 percent compared to the previous year.

The market is won by low prices and high quality products, but most important part is marketing. Advertising, or bringing products to targeted potential customers, is crucial, and the best way of advertisement are social networks. Brand owners are not using social networks to the extent as they should, mostly Pinterest, for it is less popular than Facebook and Twitter. But they are making mistakes, especially Car manufacturers, for Pinterest is ideal for promoting automotive industry and their products. People like cars, and they enjoy being the first to post a picture of a brand new model or to share with their friends. So cars are basically really popular, for all ages and genders, for all types of people. That makes it easier for car manufacturers to target the audience, and Pinterest is a right place to do it. So, for commercial use by Pinterest and Automotive Industry , will certainly be a right choice.