Freestanding Punching Bag – Prepare For a Fight!

Are you looking for the perfect heavy bag but realize that you might be limited on space? Perhaps your husband really wants a bag but you do not like the idea of ​​it taking up so much space in the living room or any room for that matter. Why bother with a heavy bag that once it arrives, it might take a hour to get it setup. You have to hang it and find a place strong enough to hold its weight and the power of your punches. There is a solution and it is called a free standing punching bag. The advantages over a regular hanging heavy bag are huge.

There are no chains or hooks to get tangled or break. You do not need any extra hardware to mount a free standing bag. You do not have to find a permanent place to hang it. That is right once you hang a standard bag, that is where it will stay until you decide to take it down for good. A free standing punching bag can be setup in a matter of minutes and you can start your training or exercises routine.

Just remove the cap from the base and fill it with either sand or water and your ready to go. When you are done with your workout, simply tilt the bag on its side and roll it out of the way. This space saving feature alone is worth every penny. You can really have the best of both worlds and everyone will be happy. You can get your workout and your punching bag will not take up any valuable floor space.

Free standing punching bags are also great for gyms and training facilities. They can roled out and setup in minutes. All of the students can then start training. When everyone is done just roll out of the way and you have your space back.