Career Assessments Help Moms Returning To Work

In 2000, about 77% of women in the prime ages of 25 to 54 were in the work. However, the tide has turned and mothers challenged with balancing careers and family have decided to drop out of the workforce. Yet, at home, they find that long to use their skills in a way that contributes constructively to a business. They hope for a flexible work schedule and time with the family to create work / life balance.

They know that one day they will re-enter the work full-time. Some may have to return to the working world, for one reason or another, long before they thought they would. They know that when they do attempt to return, the gap in their resume will create a huge disadvantage. So, they are thinking ahead. They want to fill that gap with flexible, part-time work. They'll have references and marketable skills to show for their time away from full-time work.

We encourage Stay-at-home moms to think ahead to the day they may return to work. The time to prepare for returning to work will come at different stages for different women. Some beginning planning within months of being at home. For others it is only after a few years that they feel ready to make that decision. Whatever the timing, if you are a stay-at-home mom, we advise you to put more than thought into it. Pursue work-at-home opportunities to gain experience for your resume.

You should assess your computer skills. It is very important to know what skill levels you posses in the software packages you would be required to use on a job. If your skills are not as sharp as they should be, then pursuing software training is the next logical step. Legitimate employers want employees who have the skills that apply to their jobs. Beware of ads that say "No Skills Required". What would you be doing that requires no skills? Think about it.
If you were in a field that is greatly affected by technology, policy changes or other advances, being out for even a few short years can make skills obsolete. If you wish to return to that field we also suggest that you keep up with the events in that industry. Stay connected to their previous employer, their industry associations, journals and other publications. Take classes to update skills and stay in the game.

Often, moms returning to the work choose to pursue a totally new field. They may have decided their old field is too demanding for them at this stage of life. Or, they just want to do something different. Would not it be great to explore your interests to determine where you belong?

Did you know that evaluating your strengths and weaknesses may help you develop a better resume or sell your self stronger on a job interview?
Free Career Assessments are valuable tools that will help you determine where your skills stand as well as helps you zero in and get focused on who you are and what you would enjoy doing.