WoW Gold Farming Tips to Make You Rich

Every World of Warcraft player has one urge that seem to be unquenchable and that is how to make more gold. The game itself provides umpteen opportunities for players and one of the best ways I know of to make more gold is through what is termed wow gold farming. So this article is designed to help those looking to make more gold in wow and provide a few tips to help make you rich.

First get to know the Azerothian holidays.

Inside the game there are periodic holiday and events and many of these are great gold making opportunities. Take for example small eggs. During the rest of the year you can buy these things for next to nothing, I’m talking a few silver a piece. But when winter veil comes around the demand for small eggs goes though the roof. Just this winter alone I was selling small eggs at upwards of 3g a piece, now that’s profit. What can be learned from this, learn to buy low and sell high. In this case you have to willing to sit and hold and wait, but in the end your patience is rewarded.

Learn to work the auction house properly.

This would be an article all on its own and I have written more about this topic but let me cover this briefly. Here are a few common mistakes I see players make everyday. For example what benefit is there to throwing up in the auction house 20 of any given item? I’ll tell you none. All you are really doing is risking the fact that not all will sell, which costs you gold in auction house listing fees and you risk getting underbid. The key to wow gold farming on the auction house is, know the market, and then play the market.

Let me share with you a real in game example. I was buying these horn of winter glyphs one day as I had noticed that the trend with these on my server was a low end selling price of 16 gold and a high end selling price of 32 gold. Well sure enough some player throws up 20 of these glyphs up all prices under 20 gold. Guess what I did? You bet, I bought every single one of them not knowing that this player was actually online. Within 2 minutes of buying these up I get an in-game pm from this guy thinking he was cocky, saying thanks. I just returned the comment, no thank you.

You see what this player didn’t understand was, I was now in a position to take advantage of the fact that he broke both rules when it came to the auction house. He listed too many of one item and for too low a buying price. I already knew I could sell these glyphs for 32 gold a piece, so all I did was re-list them at my price, and drove him right out of the market. I could do that because of the huge profit margin. Plus now I’m in a position to dictate when to sell. If I check and I see too many listed for close to what I bought them for, I don’t bother selling. Instead I just sit and wait for the market to return to the price where I want to sell at.