Do not Tell Me About The Person Who Wears Many Hats

For obvious reasons (to those of you who are regular readers of the HAT BLOG), I subscribe to the Google News Alert Service where all articles with the word "hat" or "hats" in newspaper and magazine titles are regularly assembled by Google and forward to my email. But instead of the staying abreast of the latest and greatest hat news, what I've learned is that every here, Dick and Harry journalist (and every Tina, Donna, and Henrietta journalist for that matter) title their articles with the same hackneyed cliché : "_________ (fill in the blank) Wears Many Hats" .

I guess each one of these writers got a bee in their bonnet and believed that he or she came up with just a great little title for their article about an individual who job or life is multifaceted (duh, welcome to life in the 21st Century) . I'm here to let them that their Eureka moment is old hat. They can hang their hat on the fact that their use of this metaphor is all hat and no cattle. It would be a feather in their cap if they'd hold on to their hats and try something more daring. I for one would tip my hat to the effort. I'm keeping my thoughts about this under my hat, but if I do not let these journalists know that they are talking through their hats, who will? So, I come hat in hand to let you know, that you do not need to throw your hat in the ring with those who believe this is a unique article title. I'll eat my hat if I'm wrong.

I know you must think that I'm mad as a hatter, but I've personally lost my patience for those of you who have the hat trick in using this heading. When your editors catch wind of it, you'll either need to pass the hat or change careers – try hard hats.

Fred Belinsky