Is Clutter Ruling Your Life?

Do you feel hemmed in and held back by all the clutter you are living with? When you recognize there is a problem and it is interfering with you having a joyful, full, rich life it is time for you to take control over your stuff before it takes over you.

You can de-clutter by starting slow, just like Rome was not built in a day, you will not get rid of all the clutter in a day. It has taken months for your home to become cluttered so it is not realistic to try to get rid of it all in one day. Pick one room to work on, then pick one place to start. Maybe it is a corner, a cupboard, a section of the floor. Commit every day to work on this room until it is done and you can move on to another room. As you do this other rooms will get worse before they get better as things that belong in those rooms will be taken there to be deal with when you are in that room.

Find a friend to help you, or hire a professional organizer. They can be objective and encouraging during this process.

As you donate to charity keep thinking to yourself that you are helping someone else as you get rid of what has become clutter to you but will be a treasure to someone else.

Items stored in a trash bag are not collections or treasures. Either donate these items, display them, or if you must store them use plastic containers that can be stacked nicely one on top of the other and labeled with the contents.

Make your bed every morning. It is an instant quick fix that makes any room look neater.

Do not be too hard on yourself. Recognize that clutter can be a reflection of something deeper that might be troubling you. Taking care of the clutter can open up not only the physical space in your life, but also your emotional, psychological and spiritual space as well.