Betta Fish Diseases Symptoms

Betta fish diseases symptoms are sometimes difficult to diagnose. Betta fish are considered some of the heartiest fish out there and it can be quite difficult to actually harm them. Regardless of this, they do acquire disease. These diseases can be short term or long term depending on what they are. More importantly, if you know and understand the potential diseases that can strike your Betta, then you are ahead of the game and your Betta can live a long and happy life.

Here are some Betta fish Diseases symptoms for you to be aware of so that you can pounce on them before they do harm to your Betta fish.

-Loss of appetite

-Sucking for air at the surface

-Rubbing against plants and other items in the tank-possible sign of a parasite

-White cotton substance on Betta-possible fungus growth

-Fin Clamping-Bettas do this when they are ill … they do not flare out their fins like normal

-white or discolored fecal matter-a sign of internal issues

If you notice any of these Betta diseases symptoms in your fish, then you need to start thinking quickly on how to act. Some of them are curable-treatable such as parasites or fungus while other may not be such as the discolored fecal matter. You certainly do not want to treat your betta for a disease that they do not need to have. It is vitally important that you diagnoseose correctly any disease symptoms from your Betta.

In the event that you notice these symptoms, you should act quickly.

Essentially Betta fish diseases can be classified as environmental, bacterial or parasitic.

Environmental diseases are caused by the fish tank environment. If your Betta's home is setup and maintained properly, you should be able to eliminate these diseases. Bacterial diseases are caused by the bacteria present in the tank. Some bacteria are considered healthy and good for your Betta while others are not. When your Betta is stressed, just like humans, their immune system can be compromised and they can get sick. Bacteria can find its way into the fish and cause havoc. Lastly, parasitic disease, are introduced to your Betta from the outside. These can be very bad if not taken care of quickly.

The best way to help your Betta Fish avoid diseases is for you to be proactive by maintaining a clean and healthy environment for your fish.