Jewelry Making Video – A Guide to Choosing One Wisely

When it comes to learning the art of beading, one of the easiest ways to learn is a comprehensive jewelry making video that you can pause, rewind and review as often as you need or want. But how do you make the right selection?

There are several factors that will affect your decision such as cost, length, content and age. A jewelry making video can vary in price from free to $ 25.00 or more depending on length and content. Short clips are abundant on site like YouTube which are great for answering a quick question, but if you are new to beading you probably want something much more in depth.

If you fall into the latter category a great place to find videos is your local public library. Always free as long as they are returned or renewed on time you can find instructional jewelry making videos on various techniques and projects. The only fault lies in the age of the programs. Since libraries are run on a budget and contributions their collections are not always updated in the most timely fashion. Although you may find great choices for building on and learning the basics any new and innovative techniques will most likely be found in videos online or at your local craft store.

But for the most recent breakthroughs in beading you will pay a hefty price. As most stores offer videos of various lengths for a minimum of $ 10.00 your bank account may be quickly depleted. The best ways to prevent this from happening is to watch for sales or coupons and convince a fellow crafter be it sister or friend to buy one or more as well that you can both use interchangeably. You will get the most bang for your buck both at the register and in and increase in your crafting time since to view and master the techniques in each of your new jewelry making videos, you will have to get together more often. Of course that was the plan any way.

Although you and your beading buddy may be at different levels and have different tastes, this system will work. You can check out beginning books and videos from the library or online to whet your appetite for crafting. Then once you have the basics nailed and a sale is going on you can purchase the latest and greatest selections from the store and start scheduling your viewing parties.

The power to control the level and pace at which you learn is invaluable to the world of crafting. And jewelry making videos provide this luxury with an almost guaranteed return on your investment. Whether you spend time at the library or Benjamins at the store, the skills you acquire and additional time shared with more advanced friends are almost priceless. So begin your journey to jewelry artist with a jewelry making video or two. No matter where you find them or what they cost you will always gain knowledge that you will then have forever. Start watching some today and unlock the best beading secrets that are lying inside you